Use Midi Keyboard With Auto Tune Evo

Please follow these instructions to control Harmony Engine with a MIDI track in Pro Tools:

1. If you intend to use a MIDI keyboard, connect it to your computer, start Pro Tools, and make a new session.

Controlling Auto-Tune with MIDI. Join for an in-depth discussion in this video Controlling Auto-Tune with MIDI, part of Learning Auto-Tune 8. Auto-Tune is used by engineers, producers, and artists around the world for correcting pitch problems with vocals, as well as for adding creative effects. Controlling Auto-Tune with MIDI. Join for an in-depth discussion in this video Controlling Auto-Tune with MIDI, part of Learning Auto-Tune 8. Auto-Tune is used by engineers, producers, and artists around the world for correcting pitch problems with vocals, as well as for adding creative effects. Other exciting features include the enhanced EVO Voice Processing Technology, the ability to create target notes from MIDI, the ability to adjust throat length on an individual object basis and an expanded keyboard shortcut list. Auto-Tune 7 has set a new standard for professional pitch correction and rhythmic timing! N this program, host. Jan 19, 2010  how do i use autotune in realtime with a midi keyboard? I'm using adobe audition with autotune, and its not letting me edit anything in real time. What program will allow real time editing with autotune? I want to sound like t pain but i want accurate timings.

2. Create an audio track and a MIDI track. Record or import an audio recording onto the audio track.

3. Load Harmony Engine as a plugin insert on the audio track.

4. In the Harmony Engine plug-in window, set the 'Harmony Source” control to “MIDI omni.” (There are two other specialized MIDI modes as well. For a more detailed explanation about how each of these work, please see the Harmony Engine user guide).

5. Set the output of your MIDI track to Harmony Engine -> channel 1.

6. Record enable the MIDI track, start playback (or recording) and perform on your MIDI controller to harmonize your audio input. Alternatively, you can import a MIDI file onto your MIDI track and use this instead.

13th August 2013
Here for the gear

Using the 'Target Notes Via MIDI' Function with AutoTune and Protools 10
Hey everyone,
I posted this question as well in the DUC (Pro Tools Forum) but figured maybe some of you here could also help...
I am looking for help trying to figure out the solution on how to use the 'Target Notes Via MIDI' using Auto-Tune. Specifically, I am using Auto-Tune Evo v6.0.9, and and I have Pro Tools LE v10.3.6
I am having such a frustrating time figuring out the answer to this one. There are TONS of solutions all over the internet, but each of them are lacking in some way to help me figure out the answer.
The only instance I have been able to use this functionality is when I plug in my MIDI keyboard (M-Audio Keystation 61es), and put Autotune as an insert in an Audio Track. Then, when I go into MIDI preferences, and select Default Thru Instrument>AutoTuneEvoRTAS1, I can play my voice on different pitchers through my MIDI keyboard and Autotune. However, I can still hear my own voice, and cannot record what i have come up with (When I record, its just my voice)
What I would really like to try is setting up a MIDI track with midi notes on it, and run those notes through the auto-tune 'Target Notes Via MIDI' function. I tried this already, and for the life of me, cannot get it to work.
For example, what I did was set up a simple scale in C Major, going up and down the scale. I exported that as MIDI, and put it in a MIDI track. Then, I recorded my voice singing the notes exactly in time along with that scale, but only on one pitch. The idea being to see if I could get Autotune to change my voice into the notes that the MIDI track was playing.
What I did was set up the MIDI track's I/O output to ATEm RTAS6-1 (I got up to 6 instances with auto tune, cause I kept trying different permutations), and then set up Autotune Evo as a Plug-In insert on the audio track in which the recording of my voice singing one note resides.
Now here's the thing...Something is working because when I hit play, the greyed out notes at the bottom of Autotune Evo's interface are running up the scale that the MIDI track is playing. However, it is not affecting the audio at all, and I cannot figure out why. I have been to every single forum and Youtube post about this, and still can't figure out how to use this functionality with Pro Tools 10. The AutoTune Evo Manual is also no help at all. Even this video on Youtube (Antares Auto-Tune: Targeting Notes and Creating Harmonies Us - YouTube) which is exactly the subject I am talking about, doesn't explain in a step by step basis how to do this...
Thank you everyone for taking the time to read this, I know it is a bit of a long-winded and complicated question.
Attached Thumbnails

Auto Tune Evo Vst Free
