- C - cin.ignore(numericlimits::max, ' '); max not recognize it I'm taking an intro to C, and I'm using VStudio 2013 on Win7. I try to avoid the wrong data input from my menus, and it's working in all of them except this one.
- For the future, if you have some header file missing, normally the problem is that you do not have the corresponding -dev package. To try to find it, it is a good thing to install apt-file and search for it (this is an unrelated example, because iostream.h has too much hits).
- Apr 21, 2012 Please read the post titled: PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING A QUESTION The latest release of Dev-C ( dates back to 2005. Both Windows Vista and Windows-7.
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The cin object in C is an object of class istream. It is used to accept the input from the standard input device i.e. It is associated with the standard C input stream stdin. Cin: Extracting Input from User Using Keyboard In C Extraction operator is used to accept value from the user.User can able to accept value from user and that value gets stored inside value container i.e. Syntax: Get Value from User cin variable; Explanation: Extraction Operator Include header file to.
int main()
double root1,root2,a,b,c,root;
cout << 'Enter the coefficients a,b,c: '; ! This is the line where Dev-C++ finds an error
cin >> a >> b >> c;
cout << 'The solutions are ' <<root1 << ' and ' <<root2 << 'n';
I am writing a program that generates 2 random #'s then asks the user to give the product of the 2. I have everything (close to) working except the input. I even added a 'cheat' to display the answer prod
and when inputting the exact same #, it is registering as incorrect.
Dev-c Not Recognizing Cin 2
Thanks for your help, this is due in like an hour so I am trying to finish it up.
Dev-c Not Recognizing Cin Without
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here is the rest of the code, I just posted the relevant sections. That's why you got the errors.
Dev-c Not Recognizing Cin 5