C++ Crt Debug Heap Dev 10

  1. C Crt Debug Heap Dev 10 Pdf
  2. C Crt Debug Heap Dev 10 Code
  3. C Crt Debug Heap Dev 10 Free
  4. C Crt Debug Heap Dev 10 Key
  5. C++ Crt Debug Heap Dev 10 Key
  6. C++ Crt Debug Heap Dev 100
23 Sep 2015CPOL

Electric Fence is still the reference for dealing with heap corruption, even if not maintined for a while. RedHat ships a version that can be used as an interposition library. Drawback: might not work with code that uses mmap to allocate memory. Duma is a fork of Electric Fence. Glibc builtin. Apr 10, 2017  C tutorials, C and C news, and information about the C IDE Visual Studio from the Microsoft C team. C Debugging and Diagnostics. Use the Debug menu and select New breakpoint to add a function breakpoint. Data breakpoints will stop the debugger when a specific address is hit during debugging. Use the Debug menu and select New.

By default, Visual Studio (up to VS 2013) uses additional debug heap that slows down applications, even in Release mode. Read what you can do about this.

Win32 Debug CRT Heap Internals by Andrew Birkett (andy@nobugs.org). If you are lazy, skip the explanation and jump to the table at the bottom of the page. When you compile programs with DevStudio in debug mode, all of your calls to malloc and free use a special “debug” implementation. One potential argument in favour of leaving the WDH on is that unlike the CRT debug heap the WDH is operational in release builds also, but (1) it is disabled for any launch outside a debugger anyway, (2) in the extremely unlikely case that you’d require memory integrity checks but don’t want to run a debug build, I would suggest just.

May 29, 2005  This article uses the CRT diagnostics functions available as part of MS Visual Studio. Whenever I call the memory, treat it as Heap memory, don’t confuse it with primary memory. About the debug heap. Debug heap is the extension to the base heap. It provides powerful ways to manage your heap allocations in debug builds. Mar 10, 2011  Hello everyone, the first time I am posting a question in msdn, and I hope this it the correct forum for the question. The question (actually big helpless problem) is: I got a not valid heap pointer when using the new operator. The situation is like this: I have many structures to save. Hmm, you're digging too much into this.


Some time ago, I was tracing a perf problem (UI code + some custom logic). I needed to track what module was eating most of the time in one specific scenario. I prepared the release version of the app and I added some profiling code. I’ve used Visual Studio 2013. The app used OutputDebugString so I needed to run the debugging (F5) in order to be able to see logs in the output window (I know I know, I could use DebugView as well…)

But, my main assumption was that when I run F5 in release mode, only a little performance hit would occur. What was my astonishment when I noticed it was a wrong idea! My release-debug session pointed to a completely different place in the code…

C++ Crt Debug Heap Dev 10

Story Continuation

What was wrong with the assumption? As it appeared when I was starting the app with F5, even in release mode Visual Studio is attaching a special debug heap! The whole application runs slower, because every system memory allocation gets additional integrity checks.
My code used win32 UI and thus every list addition, control creation was double checked by this special heap. When running using F5, the main bottleneck seemed to be happening in that UI code. When I disabled the additional heap checking (or when I simply run my application without debugger attached), the real bottleneck appeared in a completely different place.

Those kind of bugs have even their name Heisenbug, those are bugs that disappear (or are altered) by tools that are used to track the problem. As in our situation: debugger was changing the performance of my application so I was not able to find a real hot spot…

Let’s learn from the situation! What is this debug heap? Is it really useful? Can we live without it?


Let’s do a simple experiment:

Full code located here: fenbf/dbgheap.cpp

The above example will allocate (and delete) memory NUM_ITERS x NUM_ALLOC times.

For NUM_ITERS=100 and NUM_ALLOC=100 and NUM_ELEMENTS=100000 (~400kb per allocation) I got:

So by running using F5, we get ~3.7 slower memory allocations!

Let’s compare calls stacks:

To prepare the above images, I run the app using F5 and I paused at random position. There were lots of allocations, so I usually entered some interesting code. Of course, producing the second view (without F5) was a bit harder, so I set a breakpoint using _asm int 3 (DebugBreak() also would work), then I got debugger attached so I could also pause at random. Additionally, since the second version runs much faster, I needed to increase the number of allocations happening in the program.

Running with F5, I could easily break in some deep allocation method (and as you can see, there is a call to ntdll.dll!_RtlDebugAllocateHeap@12 ()). When I attached debugger (the second call stack) I could only get into vector allocation method (STD).

Debug Heap

All dynamic memory allocation (new, malloc, std containers, etc. etc.) at some point must ask system to allocate the space. Debug Heap adds some special rules and ‘reinforcements’ so that memory will not be corrupt.
It might be useful when coding in raw C winApi style (when you use raw HeapAlloc calls), but probably not when using C++ and CRT/STD.

CRT has its own memory validation mechanisms (read more at msdn) so windows Debug Heap is doing additional, mostly redundant checks.


What can we do about this whole feature? Fortunately, we have an option to disable it!

Any drawbacks of this approach?

Obviously, there is no additional checking… but since you’ve probably checked your app in Debug version, and since there are additional checks in CRT/STD, no problems should occur.

Also, in the latest Visual Studio 2015, this feature is disabled by default (it is enabled in the previous versions). This suggests that we should be quite safe.

On the other hand, when you rely solely on WinAPI calls and do some advanced system programming, then DebugHeap might help…


Things to remember:
Use '_NO_DEBUG_HEAP' to increase performance of your debugging sessions!.

As I mentioned in the beginning, I was quite surprised to see such different results when running F5 in release mode VS running the app alone. Debugger usually adds some performance hit, but not that huge! I can expect a slow down in a debug build, but not that much in release version of the application.

Debug Heap is attached every time: in debug builds and in release as well. And it’s not that obvious. At least we can disable it.

Fortunately Debug Heap is disabled by default in Visual Studio 2015 - this shows that MS Team might be wrong when they enabled Debug Heap by default in the previous versions of Visual Studio.


C Crt Debug Heap Dev 10 Pdf

  • Books on Visual Studio: Professional Visual Studio 2015, Ivor Horton's Beginning Visual C++ 2013
  • ofekshilon.com: Accelerating Debug Runs, Part 1: _NO_DEBUG_HEAP - detailed information about this feature
  • VC++ team blog: C++ Debugging Improvements in Visual Studio 2015
  • preshing.com: The Windows Heap Is Slow When Launched from the Debugger
  • informit.com: Advanced Windows Debugging: Memory Corruption Part II—Heaps
  • MSDN blogs: Anatomy of a Heisenbug


  • 23rd September, 2015 - Initial version

Allocates a block of memory in the heap with additional space for a debugging header and overwrite buffers (debug version only).



Requested size of the memory block (in bytes).

Requested type of the memory block: _CLIENT_BLOCK or _NORMAL_BLOCK.

Pointer to the name of the source file that requested the allocation operation or NULL.

Line number in the source file where the allocation operation was requested or NULL.

The filename and linenumber parameters are only available when _malloc_dbg has been called explicitly or the _CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC preprocessor constant has been defined.

Return Value

C Crt Debug Heap Dev 10 Code

On successful completion, this function returns a pointer to the user portion of the allocated memory block, calls the new handler function, or returns NULL. For a complete description of the return behavior, see the following Remarks section. For more information about how the new handler function is used, see the malloc function.


_malloc_dbg is a debug version of the malloc function. When _DEBUG is not defined, each call to _malloc_dbg is reduced to a call to malloc. Both malloc and _malloc_dbg allocate a block of memory in the base heap, but _malloc_dbg offers several debugging features: buffers on either side of the user portion of the block to test for leaks, a block type parameter to track specific allocation types, and filename/linenumber information to determine the origin of allocation requests.

_malloc_dbg allocates the memory block with slightly more space than the requested size. The additional space is used by the debug heap manager to link the debug memory blocks and to provide the application with debug header information and overwrite buffers. When the block is allocated, the user portion of the block is filled with the value 0xCD and each of the overwrite buffers are filled with 0xFD.

C Crt Debug Heap Dev 10 Free

_malloc_dbg sets errno to ENOMEM if a memory allocation fails or if the amount of memory needed (including the overhead mentioned previously) exceeds _HEAP_MAXREQ. For information about this and other error codes, see errno, _doserrno, _sys_errlist, and _sys_nerr.

For information about how memory blocks are allocated, initialized, and managed in the debug version of the base heap, see CRT Debug Heap Details. For information about the allocation block types and how they are used, see Types of blocks on the debug heap. For information about the differences between calling a standard heap function and its debug version in a debug build of an application, see Debug Versions of Heap Allocation Functions.


RoutineRequired header

For more compatibility information, see Compatibility.

C Crt Debug Heap Dev 10 Key


Debug versions of C run-time libraries only.

C++ Crt Debug Heap Dev 10 Key


For a sample of how to use _malloc_dbg, see crt_dbg1.

See also

C++ Crt Debug Heap Dev 100

Debug Routines